New to Rose Hill?
Rose Hill Primary School is situated on the east side of Ipswich about two miles from the town centre. The school sits on a constricted site between the railway and Derby road, but has a good range of facilities, including a floodlit all weather playground. The building has been extended over recent years to accommodate increasing pupil numbers. The school is well served by transport links and easily accessible to main routes both into and out of the town.
Details held in the
Applying for a school place during the school year.
If wishing a place other than the beginning of Foundation, please contact the school, who will happily discuss space availability and the process to make application for a place.
Applying for a school place
Suffolk County Council is responsible for admissions to the school for entry at the beginning of the Foundation year. All information required to make an application for a place can be found by following this link:
If you are looking for a place for your child at Rose Hill, we would be happy to show you around the school. For a visit around the school please contact the office on 01473 727552.
If you have any questions about admissions, please phone the school on (01473) 727552 or contact the County School's Admissions Team at:
The Admissions Team,
Endeavour House,
8 Russell Road,
Phone: 0345 600 0981