Curriculum Overview
Our intention for the curriculum at Rose Hill is that every child develops a deep and rich knowledge base alongside a purposeful and transferable set of skills that extend beyond the academic. Both knowledge and skills are systemically revisited to ensure they are embedded. Purposeful links are made to reading and vocabulary development across the curriculum.
Our curriculum is enhanced and made purposeful through our enrichment opportunities, Forest Schools provision and Thrive approach which also support children’s emotional and social well-being.
Through our broad and balanced curriculum, we aim to help children develop the Rose Hill 6Rs of being respectful, resilient, risk-taking, resourceful, reflective and responsible.
These pages will build to provide a summary of what your children cover in school and in which year groups. It will also be a reference for information regarding some of the schemes and strategies in use in school.
For more information about our curriculum please email:
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For more on our curriculum please contact the Principal Miss Bright via the details on the Contact Us tab.