Hello and welcome to the Ladybirds class page. I am Miss Woods, the Ladybirds class teacher and Design and Technology lead (which you can find our more about in the 'Design and Technology' section of the website under the 'curriculum' tab).
I love being creative and finding new ways to solve problems which is why I enjoy crocheting so much! I love finding new patterns and challenging myself to see what I can make. It is also why I am so passionate about D&T as it allows everyone to be creative and helps to develop our problem-solving skills.
I think it is very important to work together within our classroom to make sure everyone feels welcome and special. The 6 Rs help us to make everyone feel welcome within our class so we are always striving to follow them as much as we can.
I am Miss Burgoyne.
I love being in Ladybirds as teaching early years is my passion. I love seeing how the children develop and change so much, in the short time we have them.
I lead art across the school and I really enjoy seeing the children playing and exploring the creative area and using their imagination to create wonderful pieces of art.
In my home life, I am kept busy being a Mum and I love to spend time with my family.
Miss Burgoyne