Science Ambassadors
We one Science Ambassador in each class in the school. They applied for their role by telling the science lead, Miss Jermyn, why they love science and how they would be good in the role. They meet regularly to discuss learning within the school, take part in pupil surveys, help organise resources, help run science club, contribute to assemblies and promote science to all children throughout Rose Hill.
We have lots of electrifying opportunities ahead!
Read our science blog below find out more about what our science ambassadors have been busy doing.
Summer 2024
This term we have been reporting on science in our classrooms and attending meetings to discuss how we can improve science. We have chosen the Scientist of the Term award for each phase and promoting the actions we created for each of the enquiry types. Our role has also included organising the science resources and taking responsibility for the working walls in our classrooms. It has been a very busy and exciting year, and we have loved every minute being Science Ambassadors!
Spring 2024
Science Club
We have been busy helping to run science club.
We learnt about electricity. We made circuits with wires, batteries, bulbs, buzzers and switches. We poured water over skittles and observed as the food colouring and sugar dissolved and defused through the water. We also made lava lamps and rainbows!
We have really enjoyed being scientists like Siobhan, sharing our love of science and helping others.

Autumn 1 and 2 2023
We have new Science Ambassadors! They were selected though applying for the role, and then Miss Jermyn put their names into a hat and picked out one name from each class. We have worked together on the action plan for science this year.
We have been busy focusing on the enquiry types, pupil voice and the Scientist of the Term award! We have developed actions for the enquiry types and shared these in a whole school assembly. These will be used in class to help us remember the enquiry types we are using. Through pupil voice, we found that children at Rose Hill love science. Here are what some pupils said:
I love the fun experiments we get to do in science.
I find the scientists really interesting because their discoveries help us in our lives.
We get to find out cool facts from the books we read in science.
We also decided on our Scientist of the Term for a child in each phase who has been working scientifically. Miss Jermyn awarded the certificate and 50 house points to these children in the end of term assembly!
Summer Term 1 and 2 2023
In KS1 and LKS2, we have been learning all about plants. We have enjoyed learning about what plants need to grow and the practical lesson where we explored water transportation in plants. In UKS2, we have been learning about animals including humans.
We have met with Miss Jermyn and reported on science in our classrooms. We have enjoyed sharing our enthusiasm and knowledge, as well as helping others learn this year. There are is a lot of creativity and practical work happening in science across the school. UKS2 really enjoyed their trip to Copleston for the Cambridge Science Roadshow.
We have enjoyed finding out about scientists because they are inspiring and are vital in finding out new information and discovering new ideas.
Spring Term 1 and 2 2023
This term we have been super busy running a science club, organising science week and sharing more about working scientifically in an assembly.
In science club, we have been on a mini beast hunt and even made our own erupting volcanoes! Want to know more? How to make a volcano | Natural History Museum (
The theme for science week (10th - 19th March) is connections! We will be creating a whole school rose using our fingerprints. You can find out more here: The theme for 2023 is...'Connections'! - British Science Week
We are also introducing scientist of the term! Each term, the science ambassadors will award a certificate, lab coat and 50 house points to one pupil in each phase for working scientifically. Will it be you?
Autumn 2 2022
This half-term we have continued sharing our learning about the 5 enquiry types!
Our assembly focussed on these and the children gave some excellent examples for each one.
We are going to be starting a science club in the spring term. This will be an opportunity for children to explore problem solving in STEM through completing the CREST Star Award. More details to follow.
We also shared the quiz: Science Fact or Science Fiction? on the CBBC website. How many can you get right?
Autumn 1 2022
We are the science ambassadors at Rose Hill. This term in a whole school assembly, we talked about our favourite scientists and working scientifically.
These are our favourite scientists! Do you know who they are?

We asked what pupils love about Science at Rose Hill:
''We love Science at Rose Hill because there are lots of experiments and you can find out so many new facts!''
''I love Science because I like doing things that could help other people.''
''Science is great because you can learn new things and you never know what will happen.''
''We learn about great scientists who had cool new inventions.''
We are looking forward to meeting next half term to do another assembly and organise starting a science club.