At Rose Hill, our carefully planned writing curriculum develops children to write with confidence for communication, learning across the curriculum and enjoyment.
From EYFS to Year 6 our pupils are taught to how to write for a variety of purposes and audiences using the plan, draft, edit, share model. Pupils become familiar with applying the generic structural and language features within their writing across a range of text types, using the writing strands model.
Pupils begin exploring writing for fiction and non-fiction contexts in EYFS. Narrative, informative and explanatory text types are developed in Key Stage 1. In lower Key Stage 2, pupils develop writing for persuasive purposes and in Years 5 and 6 pupils develop analytical writing.
imagine, explore, entertain | inform, explain, describe | argue, persuade, advise | analyse, review, comment |
Progression is sequenced through text type knowledge organisers with pupils writing for different purposes across writing strands. Pupils are supported to embed the ambitious, age-related grammar and punctuation skills practised in discrete SPaG (spelling, punctuation and grammar) lessons in the context of extended writing.
Writing Progression of Skills
Grammar and punctuation skills are taught throughout Rose Hill from EYFS to Year 6. Pupils are taught ambitious age-related grammar and punctuation skills within daily phonics lessons from EYFS and until phonic knowledge is securely embedded in Year 2 after which pupils will learn age-related grammar and punctuation skills in daily discrete SPaG (spelling, punctuation and grammar) lessons. Grammar and punctuation skills are applied within writing lessons and across the curriculum enabling pupils to apply and embed learnt skills across a range of fiction and non-fiction text types writing for a range of purposes and audiences.
Grammar and Punctuation Progression of Skills
Pupils begin their spelling journey by learning grapheme-phoneme correspondences for single letter sounds, digraphs and trigraphs following the phonics sounds taught in their daily Read Write Inc phonics sessions. Pupils embed these spelling sounds through daily practice of writing words containing their learnt phonics sounds and using ‘tick or fix’ to correct any misconceptions. By the end of Year 1 it is expected that children will have a secure grasp of set 3 digraphs, trigraphs and the letter strings -tious, -tion, and -cious.
From Year 1 onwards, pupils follow the Spelling Shed spelling programme. Each week, pupils will have a spelling focus and ten spelling words containing the focus will be taught to ensure that pupils understand how the words are built phonetically and syllabically, that they understand the meaning of the word and can recognise and use the word in context. Each pupil is provided an account to access the online platform Spelling Shed where the week’s spelling pattern can be practised through a series of games with different levels of challenge.
In addition to age-related spelling patterns, pupils will be taught the high frequency words for their year group.