Equality Objectives
Our whole Academy community must demonstrate commitment to equality for all in everything we do and say. We recognise that we are on a never ending journey and that we will need to adapt to suit the challenges which we face as the needs of our pupils, staff and other stakeholders change. This will require us to ensure that all our Staff, Governors and others who comprise our Rose Hill team are trained and are kept up to date with changes in legislation, guidance from relevant sources and best practice.
We are working towards the following core equality objectives:
- To ensure that arrangements for pupil admissions across the Academy are fair and non-discriminatory;
- To model teaching and learning behaviours that avoid ‘labelling’;
- To minimise any achievement differences between girls and boys;
- To ensure that all ‘vulnerable groups’ with a ‘protected characteristic’ meet achievement and progress targets;
- To ensure pupils with a ‘protected characteristic’ are fairly represented and included in activities and supporting interventions across the Academy;
- To promote cultural development and understanding through a rich range of experiences, both in and beyond our Academy through our curriculum.
These objectives run through all aspects of our curriculum offer and our approach to high quality teaching.
We will be able to demonstrate that they are meeting our equality duty through reference to the following:
- The proper implementation of our admissions policy
- A range of School performance data (Internal, External and Independent sources)
- Policies relating to anti-bullying, learning and behaviour, SEN, Safeguarding and similar policies
- School development / improvement plan
- Curriculum materials
- Trust board, committee and local governing body minutes
- Outcomes from learning walks, Governor visits and other independent observations
We are also committed to the following core equality objective:
- To minimise barriers to employment and staff progression within the Academy through use of fair and safe recruitment and selection practices which focus on the competencies required for the Job, our Vision and our Values
We are able to demonstrate that we are meeting our equality duty through reference to the following:
- The implementation of our recruitment & selection policy & guidance, and safer recruitment practices.
- Regular staffing reports to the Trust board, and local governing body/committees.
The Oxlip Learning Partnership and this Academy monitors recruitment to ensure that it reflects the communities that we serve, but always ensures that we appoint the best candidate for the post. We monitor the gender, ethnicity and disability of any candidates, and record the percentage appointed under each category. If our appointments do not reflect the communities in which we live and serve, then we are able to state why and what action we are taking to address this challenge.